CHanalysis 2023
29.-31. March 2023, Dorint Resort Blüemlisalp Beatenberg
CHanalysis 2023
The Division Analytical Sciences (DAS) of the Swiss Chemical Society (SCS) is organizing CHanalysis, a meeting of Swiss analytical scientists on a yearly basis.
The goal of this two-day conference series is to stimulate a stronger interaction among persons working in different areas of analytical sciences. Scientists from applied and fundamental research, from industry, education, and regulation are welcome.
The event starts on Wed, March 29, 2023, at 18.00h and ends on Fri, March 31, 2023, at 16.00h.
Sessions Topics
Panel Discussion"Didactics in Analytical Science"
Dr. Davide Bleiner
Empa, Dübendorf
Prof. Eric Bakker
University of Geneva
Prof. Stefan Schürch
University of Bern